Applied Behavior Analysis Services

About Our Services
Walden Behavior Solutions, LLC offers applied behavior analysis services in homes, schools, residential facilities, the community, and on-site at Walden ABA Learning Center. Walden clinicians are licensed behavioral health providers that serve individuals with behavioral health diagnoses, skill deficits, and/or behavioral challenges that may be leading to a decline in the quality of life experienced by them and their families. Services are focused on the decrease of challenging behaviors and the increase of daily living skills, functional skills, social skills, and community integration to support client independence and help them experience success by achieving their goals. For questions about our services, or to schedule a consult, contact us!
If you have questions about our intake process, click here.
*We do not diagnose or complete any testing that would establish a diagnosis.
Services provided to individuals diagnosed with, but not limited to:
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Intellectual Disability (ID)
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Consultative Services: Services are offered in the community and/or residential setting focusing on skill acquisition and problem behavior reduction through the development of a functional behavior assessment, individualized treatment plan, and training program (through caregiver or self-monitoring techniques), which are all supervised by a licensed clinician. The programs are implemented in all settings in which the skill deficits or challenging behaviors are present. Length of services may vary depending on severity and intensity of challenging behaviors and caregiver involvement.
Caregiver Training: Walden offers a 6-week general caregiver training course for parents and caregivers who would like to learn more about how to manage challenging behaviors. This course is offered both to parents of current clients and the general public.
Challenging Behavior Assessment Package: This assessment package includes a full functional assessment to determine why the behavior(s) is(are) occurring, a behavior support plan, and three hours of caregiver training. Additional fees apply for ongoing services.
Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention: This service is offered on-site at Walden ABA Learning Center for children with a developmental disability aged six and under. Services focus on the acquisition of skills such as group participation, social skills building, toileting, school preparation, classroom management, and more. For additional information, check out the WALC page.
Functional Skills & Independent Living Training: Functional skills training teaches children, adolescents, and young adults the necessary life skills required to get their needs met in an appropriate manner. This service includes a functional behavior assessment to determine what skills are needed for success.
Positive Behavior Supports: Qualified clinicians provide consultative services under the Michelle P. Waiver to assess and intervene on challenging behaviors while ensuring clients receive a person-centered approach to care.
Direct Care by a Behavior Technician: Behavior technicians directly implement behavior programs with individuals to decrease challenging behaviors and teach replacement behaviors. Additionally, they implement acquisition programs to increase a learner’s behavioral repertoire through the use of discrete trials, natural environment teaching, precision teaching, direct instruction, and other programs. All services are supervised by a qualified clinician. Technicians are required to complete training as well as pass a competency checklist and exam within 90-days of their start date to provide services to clients.
* Telehealth services available upon request and based on the individual’s treatment.
*Insurances Accepted: Kentucky Medicaid, Molina/Passport, Aetna, Aetna Better Health of Kentucky, Michelle P. Waiver, Wellcare, Cigna, Anthem, Anthem Medicaid, United Healthcare, Tricare, United Medical Resources, Humana Medicaid
In the Walden ABA Learning Center (WALC), we provide applied behavior analysis services to children ages two through adolescence and young adulthood. WALC specializes in autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities.
Clinicians establish treatment through assessment and the creation of individualized treatment plans, while behavior technicians provide 1:1 direct care to clients under the supervision of a clinician. Progress is monitored through data collected each session and analysis of data for review/revision of treatment plans. Common programs conducted for skill acquisition include discrete trial teaching, natural environment teaching, direct instruction, and precision teaching. Caregivers also receive the required training for generalizing the client’s new skills to the home and community. Daily communication forms are provided to caregivers at the end of sessions reviewing the programs ran by the behavior technicians and the client’s progress that day.
Focus of treatment for individuals includes, but is not limited to:
Early Behavior Intervention (two to six years of age)
Challenging Behaviors
Toilet Training
Adaptive Skills (i.e., dressing, tooth brushing, using utensils)
Independent Living Skills (i.e., making a bed, dish washing, sweeping/vacuuming)
Social Skills and Play Groups
School Preparedness
Classroom Management
*Clients receive between 7-40 hours of therapy per week.
*Session times include 9:00 am-12:00 pm, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm, 4:30 pm-6:30 pm, and 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
In the community, clinicians and behavior technicians provide applied behavior analysis services to adolescents and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Clinicians conduct assessments with clients and create an individualized treatment plan to meet the client’s specific needs. Progress is monitored through data collected each session and analysis of data for review/revision of treatment plans. Caregivers receive training on the client’s programs in order to generalize learned skills across settings and people outside of session times.
Focus of treatment for community clients include, but are not limited to:
Safety Skills
Social Skills
Reduction of Challenging Behaviors
Independent Living Skills (i.e., grocery shopping, ordering food, budgeting)
*Session times vary depending on staff availability.
In the home, clinicians and behavior technicians provide applied behavior analysis services to adolescents and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Clinicians conduct assessments with clients and create an individualized treatment plan to meet the client’s specific needs. Progress is monitored through data collected each session and analysis of data for review/revision of treatment plans. Caregivers receive training on the client’s programs in order to generalize learned skills across settings, such as the community and school, and people outside of session times.
Focus of treatment for community clients include, but are not limited to:
Reduction of Challenging Behaviors
Independent Living Skills (i.e., laundry, housekeeping)
Hygiene Skills
*Session times vary depending on staff availability.
In the school, clinicians and behavior technicians provide applied behavior analysis services to children ages four through adolescence with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Clinicians conduct assessments with clients and create an individualized treatment plan to meet the client’s specific needs. Progress is monitored through data collected each session and analysis of data for review/revision of treatment plans. Caregivers, including teachers, receive training on the client’s programs in order to generalize learned skills across settings, such as the community and home, and people outside of session times.
Focus of treatment for community clients include, but are not limited to:
Social Skills
Play Skills
Lunchtime Behaviors (i.e., sitting at table, using utensils, cleanup)
Reduction of Challenging Behaviors
Classroom Management
*Session times vary depending on staff availability.
*Permission from the client’s school is required for services to be provided in this setting.
Walden currently has Behavior Analysts and Registered Behavior Technicians providing applied behavior analysis services at Maryhurst, Treasure Home, St. Joseph Children’s Home, and Home of the Innocents. The age range of the clients being served in these facilities is between 10 and 20 years old.
Clinicians conduct assessments with clients and create an individualized treatment plan to meet the client’s specific needs. Progress is monitored through data collected each session and analysis of data for review/revision of treatment plans.
Focus of treatment for residential clients include, but are not limited to:
Social Skills
Reduction of Challenging Behaviors
Independent Living Skills (e.g., laundry, housekeeping)
Money Management
Intake Process & Waitlists
How does the waitlist work?
When Walden receives a referral, we first check the insurance benefits. Once it has been determined and established that the insurance plan is active and we are in network with those benefits, our Intake Specialist will reach out to schedule a formal phone intake with the guardian. When the referral process is completed (referral placed, insurance checked, phone intake completed) the referral packet will be viewed during an Admissions Committee meeting. The internal team will oversee all documentation and will determine the appropriateness for services and where services seem to be best successful, such as center, community, home, and/or school-based.
Starting services is always dependent on clinician availability and the current waitlist. Walden currently hosts a waiting list for center-based services and community-based services. We keep 10 clients at a time on our waitlist. The general waiting period is between 6-18 months, but again is based upon provider availability. Once a provider has an opening, we review the waitlist and begin to set up intake/assessment meetings by order of referral.